Sunday, March 13, 2011

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... And check with the third graders sign with a new beginning and a new work order

For two days the bulldozers began work in the Valley of the hernia for the construction of the Central and the site was placed a new cartel, the third in a few days.
In this (last?) Commencement of work is scheduled for March 11, 2011 and end on July 11, 2011.
We are always curious to understand the stories of these dancers made signs to decorate an almost wrong to attack our territory ....
We'll talk together in the assembly that will keep public March 19 to 15 directly to the Valley ...
who should report to ensure that this new sign no indication of the city nella quale ha sede la Delta Engineering, cioè ditta che sta svolgendo i lavori. ( Se volete correggerlo a mano si tratta di Villadossola )

Friday, March 11, 2011

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In the Valley of the hernia, there are the bulldozers. Now the two stations could become

Mentre è partita la costruzione della Centrale della Gator è cominciato l’iter per costruirne una seconda. Noi continuiamo a non essere d’accordo con la devastazione della nostra Valle

Sabato 19 marzo alle ore 15
per un’Assemblea direttamente nella Valle, in prossimità Construction of

( a few hundred meters from the entrance, follow the arrows to be laid. If the road is closed we will be directly to the Valle )

We still do not give up the idea that our valley is affected by devastating work that will forever change the state of places and that does not happen to social utility, but for the benefit of groups of individuals, taking the water of the river Erno, intending to produce electricity to sell on the market . It is beginning to think of a second plant.
Yet even now, now everything seems to fall not want to stand still and do nothing.
As we have said many times that there are battles to be given even when everything seems determined, even at the cost of losing them. Is not it time for hesitation or distinctions. Let us always remember that day in the future, maybe someone will call to account for our behavior and tells us: "How could it happen that someone gets hold of our water, ravaged our country, change the nature of our valley?". At that time we could tell that we have tried to resist but we lost, or we could tell all along that one day in front all'insipienza and cowardice of institutions that people who live in these areas has decided not to give their future to anyone and has started to move. We are to think about what you can still do.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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For the Central Valley hernia Time is running out of words

The sign was not right? Here's a new one.
The issue of the Central Valley hernia increasingly resembles the shell game. A week after our photo spread of the cartel which reported that the period of work was set in February (see first picture above) is put up a new sign, much more complete and detailed with which it re-sets to 2013 the end of everything (see the second photo below). Meanwhile, intensified inspections, liaise with landowners affected by the central and its ducts in an attempt to get the sale without resistance. The City of Lesa what it does? Nothing or, better, despite the position taken by the City Council asking to rethink the whole thing
seems content with the fact that neither the Province of Novara, let alone that of the VCO seem to have no intention to withdraw from opinions and permits issued. If the institutions are the fish in a barrel touches, again, to us, to those who live in the area. As we always said we do not delude ourselves on the final result, but we would like to know that we are not going to easily give up our territory at the mercy of private interests. If the council does the fish barile, noi no. Per questo chiediamo a tutti di aiutarci in un'impresa che sembra impossibile ma che va comunque tentata. Fermiamo la Centrale. Ce la faremo? Chi può dirlo... forse no, forse si. Una battaglia giusta va data perchè è giusta. Di fronte al possibile avvio dei lavori oggi il tempo delle parole si sta esaurendo. È tempo d'iniziativa e non di giustificazioni...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The Mayor dismissed the commitment made in the Council, Lesa Heart in motion again suspended a year ago

« Chi è chiamato ad amministrare deve sempre riuscire a essere qualcosa di più di un "organizzatore delle risposte alle esigenze del momento". Se fosse così il suo impegno sarebbe sprecato. Non serve un passacarte in più nella macchina comunale. Ritengo invece che un amministratore debba vivere la sua esperienza sapendo in una prospettiva più lunga del tempo nel quale ricopre il suo ruolo. Senza capacità di sognare, di immaginare nuovi orizzonti, un paese si spegne pian piano. A sua volta il futuro non può esistere senza un passato, senza quella lunga narrazione della sua storia, delle ragioni e degli accadimenti che l'hanno portato a essere ciò che è ponendo le basi per ciò che diventerà. E la narrazione storica in un paese passa anche per i nomi delle sue vie, delle sue piazze e dei luoghi testimoni e protagonisti della memoria ». Un anno fa così Gianni Lucini, capogruppo di Lesa nel Cuore, spiegava la decisione di presentare una mozione per sollecitare la formazione di una Commissione destinata a redigere una serie di nuove denominazioni di alcune vie e piazze allo scopo di adeguarne la "narrazione storica". Il data 29 marzo 2010 nella discussione dell’undicesimo punto dell’ordine del giorno del Consiglio Comunale il Sindaco a nome della maggioranza chiedeva la sospensione della votazione su quella mozione. ( La richiesta di sospensione veniva motivata con il fatto che l'amministrazione comunale era in attesa di disporre della situazione reale dell'articolazione viaria e della numerazione civica per la quale aveva affidato un apposito incarico. I consiglieri di Lesa nel Cuore avevano accettato purché la sospensione stessa non fosse a tempo illimitato aggiungendo che se non fosse accaduto niente l’avrebbero resubmitted. Since nothing happened today calling for the inclusion of the same motion on the agenda of the next City Council. The text is as follows:

" The City Council finds that Lesa
- for centuries since have replaced the numbers of the oldest place names, street names of cities and countries have a little 'the task of pass pieces of history of the community, to remember people or events significant and weave a kind of representation of historical and cultural evolution;
- in the light of these considerations, the story told by the road network of the City of Lesa seems, with few exceptions, stop at the threshold of the year Sixties.

For this reason, the City Council ,
- is useful and the formation of a special Council Committee, possibly accompanied by persons of proven competence in history and culture, with the task of drafting a set of new names of some streets and squares in order to adapt its "historical narrative"
- from 'explicit mandate for mayor and council to prepare the appropriate regulations "

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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timed Central Valley of the hernia?

The story of the Central Valley of the hernia has come to an end? If you read the sign posted on the fence of the yard looks like it is. The date of commencement of work indicated is August 5, 2010, while that by the end of the same was set for February 9, 2011. In fact never started any work, except the laying of the plastic enclosure on the site would have to rise to the Central Ave. To learn more and to test the intentions of the Municipal Advisory Group in the Heart of Lesa submitted an interpellation to the specific text of which is as follows:
"We the undersigned Councillors of the Municipal Group Lesa in the heart "Gianni Lucini, Mario Conterio, Celestina Diana and Tiziana Tozzi,
found that
• after the commencement of employment practices urgency of the land intended to accommodate facilities for the new power station in the Valley of the hernia early work was formalized by the installation of a fence on the mobile site where presumably had to be made the central
• After the extension of ' beginning work, the closing of the same had been deferred to February 9, 2011 as seen from the sign posted on the site;
this interpellation addressed to the Mayor to know
• if, after the unanimous approval of the document to reconsider the question , we can now definitely and finally consider the possibility for achieving the Central Valley hernia.

To download the picture in high definition just place your mouse cursor and click on the picture itself. After the complete opening can be saved with the command "save image".

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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at risk the social use of the House of Rest "E. Lambertenghi "Lesa

City Council, the Heart Lesa come back to the structure of the "House of Rest E. Lambertenghi "Lesa. In an interpellation earlier had focused their attention on the delays in restructuring and this time instead of addressing the issue of the gradual decay of the function and use of social structure. This is the text interpellation submitted
" The undersigned directors of the Municipal Group in the Heart Lesa" Gianni Lucini, Mario Conterio, Celestina Diana and Tiziana Tozzi, recalling a similar previously submitted an interpellation

note the continuing uncertainty about the work Reset and renovation of old people's home called "E. Lambertenghi "started in November 2008 and not yet completed;

concerned about the gradual decay of the use of a social structure created to meet the particular needs of the elderly population, especially the poorest. In this respect still remember how in 2007 the structure was in a discrete feature with 5 guest rooms and in a number ranging from 5 to 8 users benefiting from the social service of the table. In the following years the situation has gradually changed for the worse. Three guests, health problems, were transferred to structures adapted to their needs, but no one has taken their place. In his answer to questions related to the pre-Melon Councillor suggested that there were no new requests, but taken from other news sources would rather that no new request is not accepted;
recall that
December 20, 2010 during the Christmas dinner at the presence Councillor Melon, some invited, works and the only guest the Mayor had expressed its intention to strengthen the structure of working on new projects to increase the reception capacity and social function. That statement was contradicted a few days later by a further reduction of services ..

For these reasons appeal to the Mayor and Alderman Melone this interpellation to know
- If it is true, why and available to those who would not accept new applications for possible reviewers in 2010
- Which both the overall project on the structure of the Executive. "

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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  • La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare altre donne, contro altre donne, o per dividere le donne in buone e cattive. I cartelli o striscioni ne terranno conto.
  • La manifestazione è fatta per esprimere la nostra forza e la nostra determinazione.
  • Siamo donne fiere e orgogliose. cerchiamo dignità e rispetto per noi e per tutte. Siamo gelose della nostra autonomia e non ci lasceremo "usare". Per questo non ci devono essere simboli politici o sindacali nei nostri cortei: vogliamo che sia anche rispettata la nostra "trasversalità".
  • La manifestazione è promossa dalle donne, ma -come diciamo nel nostro appello- la partecipazione di uomini amici è richiesta e benvenuta.
  • Cercheremo di parlare prima di tutto alle giovani e aji giovani, di coinvolgerli e di portarli in piazza.
  • There is no sign of recognition (objects, ribbons, scarves, color ...), only the logo of the event created by Maddalena Fragnito available online .
  • The logo may be used to make T-shirts, pins, flags, posters and all that comes to mind creative.

Video 1 Video 2


Sunday, February 6, 2011

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The Bolero in full streaming and digital download on January 28

some days you can hear the Bolero Ravera of streaming full from our sites, for almost an hour of music in mp3 high quality. In addition, visiting the store of ReverbNation can buy individual songs for a few cents and entire albums for a handful of Euros.

The album is the result of a long and creative sound that boasts the collaboration of 3 different sound engineers ( Andrea Fontanesi, David Christian and Stefano Cappelli ) and participation in room Registration di Patrizia Ferrarini , Antonio Righetti , Danny Montgomery , Alessandra Ferrari , Matteo Toni , Marino Brusiani , i Bagend e Fonta .

Per ordinare il cd fisico è sufficiente visitare la pagina Hazy Music del nostro sito principale ; scrivici se vuoi contattarci per ulteriori informazioni o a scopo di booking ed organizzazione eventi. 

With Elena Ravera for the photo taken on January 28 last year and that shows Patrizia Ferrarini and Roberto Mennella in action with the Dave Rave Band at the Cafe del Teatro di Fiorano Modenese, on a background c ' is the new prop made by Luca Braglia and inspired by the graphic of the album.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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in the Heart back to ask what the real intentions of the City of Lesa Cavallini

Nearly two years after a previous interpellation Lesa's advisers in the Heart back to consult the Mayor on the history of the School, the Park and Villa Cavallini. The leader Gianni Lucini notes that there is a need to come back having "... the persistent difference between words and concrete actions, which is characterizing the action of the City of Lesa and the apparent ambiguity of the provincial administration." The fear is that it is considering the transfer to private school area is moved elsewhere. "What would be the point-continuous Lucini - Selling to the last brick that others, with difficulty, we have left? It would only demonstrate that the directors of today are not prepared for their work ... Should instead develop a project that is standing and that if necessary to combine private and public. In the past you've made some interesting hypotheses but then lacked the desire, the support or the courage to send them forward. What is worrying is the lack of ideas and proposals and, in some cases, ignorance of the issues .... " Now the issue returns to the City Council. This is the text of interpellation submitted
"We the undersigned Councillors of the Municipal Group in the heart Lesa" John Lucini, Mario Conterio, Celestina and Tiziana Diana Tozzi
state of substantial inertia of public institutions in respect of the School, the park and the Villa Cavallini
this interpellation addressed to the Mayor to know
• What are the intentions of the Mayor and the city administration about the school and the renovation and development of the Villa Cavallini and its park.
• If they are accurate reports of statements by the Mayor in favor of alienation in favor of private ownership of the entire Cavallini
• Why were not used funds (financed with a loan of CC.DD.PP.) of 167,000 Euro available by the Province to waterproof the roof of the school. • Who decided
welding Hurdles boundary of the park, why and how have cost the work involved;
• What is the position of the City on the breezy cases of transfer of the school in another municipality. "

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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live in Fiorano Modenese

As for us is always Carnival, Tour 2011 starts with a bang. For the debut, provided for the popular Cafe Theatre of Fiorano Modenese ( Mo), is in fact confirmed the presence of the devil Oleg Brando [ Coffee Overdrive ] on vocals and electric guitar in couple of acrobatic numbers. The show will begin at 22:30 and will last at least an hour and a half, since the repertoire is further enriched with songs from Bolero and more.

will be an evening of celebration, because we celebrate the birthdays of 3 / 5 of the band, there will be a lot of friends and many renowned artists in the audience. Will include an audio recording of the show; barring accidents, will debut the new set design also prepared by Luca Braglia who did a great job. We expect many and many and we invite you to visit the newborn ReverbNation profile of Coffee Overdrive - and stay voodoo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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...che direbbe Savonarola?

The events of recent days are incommentabili, unacceptable objectively shocking. Be careful not faccio un discorso moralistico, ne tantomeno politico... men che meno religioso.
Il fatto è che si stanno sovvertendo i pricipi di democrazia e di dibattito pubblico: non contano i fatti, non valgono le regole, ci si trincera dietro apparenti appartenenze di cui però non se ne conoscono i significati.

Mi chiedo:
...siamo ancora capaci di formulare indipendentemente idee definibili come PROPRIE e di rielabolarle secondo la nostra innata e personalissima idea del "GIUSTO"?

Il nocciolo del discorso è questo ma ogni possibile risposta mi spaventa.
Se siamo noi a decidere chi ci governa allora forse sono io che ho una scala di valori che non è compatible with my country, our ruling class is nothing but the transposition of the society we live in and therefore perfectly in line with the deeper meaning of the rules of democracy.
I just have to accept the fact that
states that the common will to win is
the strongest but not the best!
I fear that the reality is different, I fear that the slow and inexorable advance of disillusionment, triggered by the repetition of certain "secondary activities" (a debatable and often antithetical to institutional charges) of our representatives, has now pervaded the public that helps a bit dazed and even 'fun in what is now considered little more than a fiction. I fear that people no longer perceive the deeper meaning of his personal contribution to the political and social life of the country, letting go of everything passively drifting.
I'm afraid we can no longer tell the difference between Big Brother and the policy
and that soon it will reach the remote voting for the government!
At this point I wonder what is better:
live in a country of stupid or inept?
Sloth or Pride?
mah ... I do not know which to choose!

... Oh well: I give the look of the modern Savonarola house because one thing is for sure:
the fire I do not deserve it!
The problem is that democracy in my opinion counts as that of another and I know perfectly well be in the minority ...
I hope not to be " NOMINATION!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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...sherzo o realtà?

Monday, January 17, 2011

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January 28, it starts

After a brief and necessary rest, January 28 share it with live shows. We will be Cafe Theatre of Fiorano Modenese where among other things, celebrate birthdays of 3 / 5 of the band and for this reason will be possibile cenare insieme al prezzo di 25 euro. Dopo cena, ovvero dalle 22.30 circa, live della Davide Ravera Band con molte novità e sorprese. Sarà la situazione ideale per festeggiare insieme la pubblicazione dell'album e la nuova stagione che ci aspetta; per prenotare la cena manda una mail alla Hazy Music . Vi aspettiamo numerosi e numerose.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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We were right on. The City of Lesa undo the folder of Christmas waste

The controversy raised by Lesa in the Heart (see ) with a ' interpellation and advise with the posting of a series of posters throughout the City on additional folders for Tarsu (Fee for the disposal of municipal solid waste) was founded. The City of Lesa decided to cancel it. "The result is important - Gianni Lucini, parent company of Lesa in the heart - because it shows that, as in the Central Valley of the hernia, the battles must be fought right to the end with the awareness that can be lost without abandon her. And the people know that never talk nonsense ... "
This is the text posted on the board of the City of Lesa Today:

" In recent weeks, several contributors to the City were joined by Lesa alerts tax assessment relating to Municipal Solid Waste (TARSU) for the years 2004 to 2008. These warnings have been produced and processed in an independent company by ANDREANI SpA, under the contract of service 260/2006 and subsequent amendments. extensions. Following the release, this office has initiated a random check on orders issued and noted a number of procedural and substantive flaws that justify their complete cancellation. Therefore, all taxpayers who have received such notices of assessment, they will receive in the coming days, the formal revocation of the same, together with an invitation to conduct a meeting to jointly monitor the information on which to determine the taxable amount for TARSU. It reaffirms, therefore, that no payment is due on the notice of assessment issued for TARSU on annuities from 2004 to 2008. Please note, for those who had already made the payment of its claims, that amount will be refunded upon presentation of copy of the certificate of payment. While maintaining the goal, set by the Municipal Administration to monitor the fairness of the tax base TARSU (surface / people), we note that, in order to complete the verification of data transactions in the municipal archives, from Wednesday, January 19 pv opens a door to the citizen at the Town Hall of Lesa (third floor) to which you can also contact, by appointment, with the following schedule: WEDNESDAY

• 9:00 am to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

• THURSDAY from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

• Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00.
any questions or need more information about the Office municipal taxes is available to users, in the normal office hours, the number int 4 0322-76421, fax 0322-76972, e / mail tributi@comune.lesa.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Sting The Sting Christmas Waste. Lesa in the heart wants to see clear to Lesa for

In the days of the holiday season the overwhelming majority of citizens to Lesa was spotted arriving for an additional folder salt the Tarsu (Fee for disposal of municipal solid waste) have to pay in addition to discovering what has already been paid for the same item a new sum of money due to the recalculation of the usable area of \u200b\u200btheir homes since 2005. More are expected in late payments and interest on the outstanding amount. Municipal Councillors on the subject of the "Lesa in the heart" Gianni Lucini, Mario Conterio, Celestina Diana and Tiziana Tozzi, an interpellation submitted to the Mayor in which he asked:
• whether familiar with the question: how many citizens have
• received the folder indicated in the preamble;
• whether aware of the fact that the law 311/2004, also called the Circular 13 / T of 7 December 2005 to the Territorial expected to require municipalities to change office areas reported by the taxpayer for the purpose of Tarsu, then submitted to interested citizens without application of any interest or more;
• Whether and to what extent the City of Lesa has updated its contribution of citizens without any charge to them;
• if the conduct of the investigation has been carried out in compliance with current regulations that require the involvement of concerned citizens from the stage of investigating the unlawful penalty the action taken;
• considers whether and to what extent observed in investigating and in issuing della cartelle quanto disposto dalla legge 212 del 27-07-2000 (Statuto dei diritti del contribuente);
• quale sia la cifra totale a carico dei cittadini di Lesa risultante dalla somma di arretrati, interessi e more delle cartelle di cui in premessa e quanto di questa cifra vada alla ditta che ha compiuto gli accertamenti;
• se non ritenga di revocare l’emissione e il pagamento di dette cartelle provvedendo a un nuovo calcolo di quanto realmente dovuto dai cittadini.