Everything you wanted to know about the 'Directive vivisection "but have not dared to ask
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Homemade Lead Fishing Mold Forums
di Chiara De Capitani
E' difficile scrivere e giudicare obbiettivamente un tema sensibile come i test
scientifici sugli animali. Ad alcune ore di distanza dallapprovazione
della direttiva 86/609[1] sull'utilizzazione degli animali for scientific purposes
possessed numerous articles have appeared on
social networks, newspapers large and small print, often with the aim
exploit the sensitivity of the readers. The article Repubblica.it
entitled "Vivisection, the EU directive" Yes to stray as guinea pigs [2] '
after only five hours of publication picks up more' than 500 outraged comments
(on site and the facebook page) forgetting
describe the purpose of the Directive and the (albeit few) good points
that it introduces in animal research.
More objectively, the directive is a disappointment to those who 's
been waiting for two years and hoped to behave una quasi-
illegalizzazione dei test sugli animali ed un serio coinvolgimento
degli Stati Membri nella promozione di tecniche di ricerca alternative,
e la sua struttura corrisponde a una serie di limiti seguiti da
eccezioni, a volte ragionevoli, a volte no[3].
Il testo, sebbene nettamente meno proibitivo della versione proposta nel 2008 dalla
Commissione fa rientrare nel suo scopo quelle che chiama le tre R :
rimpiazzamento (dei test sugli animali con test scientifici
alternativi) riduzione (degli animali utilizzati), e raffinamento
(delle condizioni degli animali prima durante e dopo i test
scientifici.). Un altro punto positivo è il principio sancito all
Article 2: "Member States may, by observing the general rules
present treaties, to maintain their existing salary, if
aim to ensure more extensive protection of animals
, allowing Italy, a country edge
on protection of animals not to lower their standards and
further promote research methodologies
alternatives to animal testing. But
analyze in detail the issues
"hot" text
What is the meaning and direction of the directive, which should guide the Member States?
Before quoting the contents of the directive, the European Parliament acknowledges
(paragraph 46) that the availability of alternative methods of research
is "highly dependent on the progress of research and development
of these alternatives in order to increase the competitiveness of research and industry
union and replace,
reduce and refine the use of animals in procedures, the Commission and the
States should contribute to research through their own means
towards the development and validation of alternative approaches (
to animal testing), then issues taken up in First. But
is Article 4 ("The principle of replacement, reduction and refinement
") to give the color General Directive:
The States Parties shall ensure that, wherever possible, be satisfying
used scientific methods or tests that do not involve the '
use of live animals.
Member States should ensure that the
number of animals used in projects shall be reduced to a minimum without compromising the objectives of the project
Member States should ensure
refinement of farming, accommodation, health and
as the methods used in the procedures
elimination or reduction to a minimum of pain, suffering, distress or pain to animals
What are the animals subject to scientific test and
quali circostanze?
I paragrafi 2 e 3 dellarticolo 1
prevedono che la direttiva si applicherà ai vertebrati non umani
(inclusi certi tipi di larve e alcuni mammiferi) e cefalopodi.
L'Articolo 5 inquadra invece gli scopi delle procedure di test sugli
animali che sono: ricerca scientifica, ricerca con lo scopo di
prevenzione , diagnosi, condizioni fisiologiche o trattamenti di
malattie, malesseri o i loro effetti su uomini, animali o piante, il
benessere di animali e il miglioramento delle tecniche di produzioni
agricole che richiedono lutilizzo di animali, nello sviluppo,
manutaffore o test di medicine, cibi, per la protezione dell'ambiente naturale negli interessi health and welfare of human beings or animals, research with a view to the preservation of species,
teaching (moot point also mentioned by the deputy in Alfano
Court), forensic medicine.
Some animals are subject to special protections
, mainly due the fact that
not been bred for the purpose of testing or their rarezza in the natural world:
Article 7 relates to endangered species: these species
can not be used in procedures with the exception of procedures
a limited purpose (research for prevention, diagnosis,
treatment of diseases or health problems, physiological conditions, animal welfare and
improving the situation of animals used in agricultural processes, development and testing of medicines, food,
substances, research with a view to preserving the species) and that the '
use is scientifically justified by the fact that the goal of the procedure can not
be obtained from other animal species.
Article 8 focuses on non-human primates that can not be used in procedures
procedures with the exception of limited purpose
(search for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or health problems
, physiological conditions, welfare
animals and improving the situation of animals used in processes
agricultural development and testing of medicines, foodstuffs, chemicals
all these being valid only if the interests of avoiding, preventing, diagnosing or treating
debilitating or life-threatening medical conditions
in humans but also for research and preservation of the species
). Tests on certain types of primates are
subject to additional restrictions. Article 9 concerns
wild animals, they too can not be used for scientific tests
except for some exceptions (for which, however, the competent authorities must
justificarne the project as not feasible in animals bred for
procedures) .
Article 11 deals with the breeds of animals
domestiche randagi, anche questi non utilizzabili in test a meno che
esista un bisogno essenziale di studi riguardo alla salute e benessere
degli animali o un serio pericolo per lambiente o la salute umana o
animale e che sia giusticato scientificamente dal fatto che tale studio
potrebbe concludersi solo con lutilizzo di animali randagi.
Per quanto
riguarda il punto chiave della controversia, ovvero, la sofferenza
degli annimali e la loro possibile uccisione, la direttiva è molto
Larticolo 13 descrive la scelta dei mezzi. Il secondo
paragrafo precisa che, nel scegliere fra procedimenti devono prevalere
quelli che utilizzano il numero inferiore of animals, causing
less pain, suffering, distress, and that includes animals with less
ability to suffer pain, suffering, distress or suffering permanent.
The death of the animal should be avoided to the fullest extent,
if it is unavoidable, the procedure will result in the deaths of as
number of animals possible, reduce the duration and intensity of
animal suffering and bring them to a minimum -
if possible - a painless death.
Article 14 regulates that
anesthesia should be used - unless unsuitable -
in cases of mild to moderate pain. If experiments involving series
injury or pain is absolutely mandatory. Animals showing
suffering even after the test should be given analgesics or sedatives
animal, at the end of the procedure, must be treated in order to make any
minimal pain.
Article 6, however, specify the methods for killing
: States must ensure the minimum
suffering and discomfort for the animal (in an annex of
disconcerting precision).
[1] Available in English at this link:
[2] Among other things, with all respect for the republic, the very title of the article
is wrong: there is a substantial difference in
definition of "scientific tests" (which include
sottoministrazione of medicine) to "vivisection (dissection and
surgery on an animal)
[3] The deputy IDV Sonia Alfano
noted several times that the text provides the ability to reuse
an animal several times for tests and
use animals in experiments for educational purposes.
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