aminal experiments: response Oreste Rossi
Directive aminal experiments with the new law: response
Oreste Rossi
Sorry to have been subjected to gratuitous insults to people
in bad faith, or uninformed with regard to the vow I
expressed on this directive.
Existing legislation in most European countries is incomplete and no respect
about the animals used for scientific purposes. Among the changes introduced in
text as finally approved, I would stress that
research and promote alternative methods of pain relief
inflicted on guinea pigs (90% are mice), it reduces the use of primates, which can be tested
only when it is
scientifically proven impossible to use alternative techniques, we classify the severity
procedures and ensure regular inspections without notice
least 1 / 3 of the laboratories each year.
is obvious to anyone who informs
that this new legislation identifies a balance between the
animal protection and the need for scientific research.
is clear that if you have to test new drugs or treatment techniques
certainly can not be done using humans.
What I wonder and I ask those who have covered me with insults and threats, as
never have been felt with the same intensity and virulence, to
as the ritual slaughter, this practice is perfectly useless
, which involves the slaughtering of live animals for religious reasons
. Perhaps 30 minutes of agony that animals suffer
slaughtered by ritual slaughter
not weigh on the consciences of so-called animal rights?
also analyzes the legislative process
Directive, I would like to recall that the first reading was approved
in the previous legislature, and members from other
current ones, with one vote (31 March 2009) in the Agriculture Committee, which
followed the approval by an overwhelming majority in
plenary session in Strasbourg, May 5, 2009 with 540 votes in favor,
66 contrari e 34 astensioni.
Nel quadro della procedura di codecisione
il Consiglio ha poi approvato la posizione comune il 3 giugno 2010.
Tale testo é stato in seguito approvato in seconda lettura dalla
Commissione Agricoltura del Parlamento europeo, senza nessuna modifica
a larghissima maggioranza da tutti i gruppi politici, il 12 luglio 2010
con 28 voti a favore, 4 astenuti e 0 contrari.
Ultimo passaggio, l
approvazione definitiva lo scorso 8 settembre durante la sessione
plenaria a Strasburgo, anche in questo caso a larghissima maggioranza.
Per completezza d'informazione e di chiarezza, vi indico il link che vi
permetterà di avere lintero ciclo di vita della proposta directive,
its contents, its innovations and changes over time
, so you can see the improvements (for animals)
made by this new directive from the previous year. Oreste Rossi
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