some days you can hear the Bolero Ravera of streaming full from our sites, for almost an hour of music in mp3 high quality. In addition, visiting the store of ReverbNation can buy individual songs for a few cents and entire albums for a handful of Euros.
The album is the result of a long and creative sound that boasts the collaboration of 3 different sound engineers ( Andrea Fontanesi, David Christian and Stefano Cappelli ) and participation in room Registration di Patrizia Ferrarini , Antonio Righetti , Danny Montgomery , Alessandra Ferrari , Matteo Toni , Marino Brusiani , i Bagend e Fonta .
Per ordinare il cd fisico รจ sufficiente visitare la pagina Hazy Music del nostro sito principale ; scrivici se vuoi contattarci per ulteriori informazioni o a scopo di booking ed organizzazione eventi.
With Elena Ravera for the photo taken on January 28 last year and that shows Patrizia Ferrarini and Roberto Mennella in action with the Dave Rave Band at the Cafe del Teatro di Fiorano Modenese, on a background c ' is the new prop made by Luca Braglia and inspired by the graphic of the album.
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