.. I'm almost six months that I do not write more, but something has changed and something never changes.
I did a little 'order, finally a full stop ...
a person around which to organize them and it is nice to do.
E 'was a summer promotion, a good reshuffle affects, emotions, nine meetings and "old" confirmations.
summer where I learned to be a bit 'more relaxed and like a little' more.
I've traveled enough rediscovering places known for some time and go to other than ever before.
I saw beautiful cities (the "top 3" of the summer strictly historical Amsterdam, Dubrovnik and Trieste) and found ways and different people in their own way have enriched me.
However in our country very little has changed ... scandals, trafficking, lack of information.
continues slow and steady numbness of conscience who is leading the country on the brink of economic collapse and cultural heritage in which I try not to think about but with whom we inevitably I find myself doing the math.
Da qui ricomincio convinto di aver fatto dei passi avanti nella direzione di quella che è la persona che mi piacerebbe essere (...anche se la strada è ancora lunga) e con il mio Spleen che mi accompagna sempre, a cui non voglio e non posso rinunciare fiducioso del fatto che chi mi sta vicino comincerà ad apprezzarlo come ho fatto io.
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