Friday, June 18, 2010
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The saga of the pointer of the wind, seized the vet Guberti Giorgio di Ravenna Nirda by the end of 2008 and entrusted to the animals, never stops surprises. It is 'The Wind Ranger "in the dog found abandoned along the ring road of Bologna a few days ago and taken to kennels. And' George Guberti to give the same news: Saturday, June 13 at 13:20 called a local coordinator of FederFauna to warn him that he had recently received a call from an employee of a kennel
of Bologna which, checked and verified the microchip that the dog was duly registered in the regional registry, has reported the find to its rightful owner. To call the dog pound, Guberti, demonstrating once again the correctness and not cunning attributed by Animal Liberation in its press times carry IBAN for donations, said the dog, along with others, had been kidnapped by forest and had been given custody of the animals. After reflecting a bit 'but has also thought about calling FederFauna and that' race verify identity 'and conditions of the animal. The dog found in abandoned along the ring road of Bologna,
just like the best spot on stray dogs, both there and Ranger Of The Wind 'doubt. The microchip number appears to be in the list drawn up by the kidnapping Nirda and also its white-brown (white-liver in the minutes) and 'rarely is visible in pictures taken by the animal during the seizure. E 'then no doubt that the dog has passed through the hands of his "saviors" CFS and Animal Liberation. What was he doing then in Bologna ring road?
Abandonment of animals, makes this FederFauna and 'criminally liable, even if after the first custody of dogs impounded Guberti, il vicequestore aggiunto della forestale Anna Mazzini disse che in caso di smarrimento "...non ci sono conseguenze per l'affidatario, puo' succedere che un cane scappi...". In tal caso pero' dovrebbe esserci una denuncia di smarrimento, tanto piu'
trattandosi di un bene sotto sequestro, e il canile l'avrebbe saputo.
Sembra invece addirittura che il cane sia stato accalappiato e portato in canile proprio da agenti del CFS che evidentemente non conoscevano ne' l'animale ne' i colleghi che l'avevano sequestrato. Ora e' possibile che anche questo caso, come quelli di Parma o San Marino, sia
inghiottito dal silenzio piu' totale, e sono in aumento quelli che reputano sempre piu' probabile per l'allevatore ravennate una condanna che finally put the lid of a boiling pot that continues to sketch background totally different from what is shown and yelled from the animal rights propaganda. FederFauna argues that the pot should be uncovered. It would be more 'appropriate that an investigation on seizures in which animals seem to fall into a limbo of "de facto expropriation, with all that this entails.
On the non-profit animal welfare organizations who receive custody of animals seized as Animal Liberation, said that after the voice of its President Lilia Casali, who at the time of the seizure had no 'facilities will' funds, today after a year of pointer Del Vento ,
even seem to have become a landowner. On
poveri cani sequestrati e sparsi ovunque, anche in tangenziale di Bologna!
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