Monday, June 28, 2010
Homemade Hanging Pot Rack
exchange risk destination for the strays of Fermo
been over three years from the conversion of the former management Pluto Project Fauna refuge shelter that has ceased to exist when they took over the management has decided, probably not face the same accusations that he had addressed the association Outgoing transfer the dogs stayed at the old kennel in a shelter also referred to "animals in the area" as an example. New kennel so acclaimed, although still remains without its feasibility, but who can not cope with the new strays. Perhaps the awareness of the Association Project Pluto fauna and its numerous interventions to bear also acts to sterilize animals employers to prevent the spread and number of litters for ![](
stop, not being able to accept more "bums", Mayor of the area forcing some to turn to outside kennels ASL precluding the possibility of having at hand and under the eye animals that will hook up to the point of losing all their future accommodation.
Here, then, explained the reason for the sovrannumero dei cani presenti nel vecchio rifugio di Sant'Elpidio a Mare. Si è cambiata forzatamente la gestione, si è creato un rifugio che non riesce nemmeno a sopperire al randagismo dei 4 Comuni convenzionati, si spediscono cani a circa 70 Km. e, pillola amara finale, nessuna voce che accenna minimamente alla possibile quanto necessaria costruzione di un nuovo rifugio. Qualsiasi tipo di struttura indispensabile per fini sociali dovrebbe essere sempre commisurata al bisogno del territorio e non per il contrario.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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Bolero Tour 2010, Live via video from Coffee
sharing, si ricomincia, manca poco. Grazie a Silvia Ballerini per un'altra locandina che mi piace un sacco e alla band delle prossime avventure a zonzo per l'Italia:
Patrizia Ferrarini - percussioni e voce
Enrico Busi - basso e voce
Roberto Mennella - chitarra elettrica
Riccardo Cocetti - batteria
Il primo luglio sarò a Quattro Castella di Reggio Emilia per uno show "solo" in stile Naked Songs con inediti, soprese e bizzarrie in repertorio. Il giorno dopo saremo a Brescia with some of the band Stalla Domestic . There will, for logistical reasons, Riccardo Cocetta on drums, with the rest of the band will present a show but in a very rock sound, there is evidence that in a lot of fun and will be broadcast live via FM, Internet radio and web tv. So, will the battery but not the grit. Then we will all five of the Friction Festival Spilamberto (Mo) and the Daedalus Festival of Caltabellotta (Ag).
The details of the dates are also on this page, you see the calendar in the sidebar on the right. For more information, as well as proposals for about live and booking, please contact directly via Hazy Music mail .
We wait, confident that the Seven African Powers are all benevolent and all of us. We're gonna rock you.
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Guberti case, still missing pointer
24 GIUGNO 2010 Caso Guberti. Continuano a sparire cani alla velocita' "Del Vento"!...
Il pointer "Ranger Del Vento, who was kidnapped by Nirda in late 2008 to the veterinarian and found Guberti Giorgio Ravenna been abandoned along the ring road of Bologna a few days ago, and 'back into oblivion with those who had "lost." It seems to be rumors that it is s right ': the number of microchips in fact, the dog would not be among those in foster care to third parties, entered the lists available to the defense, but among those still in the hands of Animal Liberation. The animal rights association, however,' he said recently: "On the pointer found in Bologna, Animal Liberation has no responsibility. 'What was he doing then the bypass in Bologna? When, after 10 days of quarantine in which the dog had been subjected, a delegate of FederFauna contacted the kennels Trebbo for news, and 'was told: "The dog is' already' been taken away from the rightful owner." Surprised, because the owner had failed to disclose George Guberti no return, the deputy repeated the question and the answer 'was, "Yes!, The dog was in the ring but had a legitimate owner to which we delivered." Guberti, contacted soon after, denies having taken the dog. He said: "I am the owner, but I do not know where are my dogs, apart from the dead and the missing of which we know ...". How is it then that the same kennel last June 13 had reported the discovery of the dog
Guberti as rightful owner, now declares handing him over to another owner? The kidnapping and 'a measure of supervision and provisional nature, should not be a pre-judgment seizure. Although now when it comes to animals impounded if they feel more and more 'of all colors, the legitimate owner of property seized should not change even if that object does not have the free
availability'. Guberti pero ', says he has received more' no telefon
FederFauna but to ATA, which, moved, remember his dogs and the work of a lifetime. Guberti also read the recent statements of President of the Animal Liberation, Lilia Casali, claiming that he had gone to see his pointer, "could not plead nothing, while the dogs away from him ... "and rejects once again the animals." Yes, I was in Occhiobello "Guberti said" only a few minutes 'cause it did not allow us' to film it
'to document the custody of the dogs. "The precise question," but it' s true that the dogs away from you? "Guberti replies:" I have not seen in practice. I have not been able to bring it 'count. I could not have any contact with them and they with me. As already 'stated on other occasions, I saw only that the dogs had no space and could not run. The pointer loves to run but the conditions for the 'not allowed. Some dogs were fat, too
by their nature, and other very thin, there were differences, as do most dogs in my house were 'fat and more' lean, but never obese ', pointer and' born to run! The dogs were on dust, mine was the straw but as we have 'seen the pictures published by local newspapers, if it rains there' also the mud by animals. Only dogs that I had more 'space and could run. "Guberti He adds:" I do not know where they got the others! Who knows'?!... Those of Modena
completely disappeared never again 'heard. I've only seen the baby 2 weeks of age, 'taken away alive from Ravenna and made at the Association of Modena and then I have reviewed the deaths Institute Zooprofilattico dissecting table! Another one of my dogs do not know !..."
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traffic of dogs in the Marche
June 21, 2010 treatment of dogs from the coast in Germany, the complaint ENPI
The National Animal Protection (ENPA) is aware that in the Doghouse Adriatic coast, home to the town of Senigallia dogs and other municipalities in the district are in progress for some time by the German organization Hundehilfe Hundeherzen Maintal (Hesse), samples of dogs that are immediately dispatched to include dogs Germany. adopted by individuals, with obligations and commitments under the Framework Law 281/1991 and related ministerial regulations. But this would-be adopted as subito dopo
l'affido i cani vengono portati oltre confine da emissari dell'organizzazione e trattati come proprietà di quest'ultima, che li deposita in stalli temporanei per poi piazzarli a prezzi che vanno da 250 a 300 euro per ogni animale.
I cani sono pubblicizzati nel sito tedesco quando ancora si trovano nel canile, per poi essere prelevati al momento opportuno. Allora avvengono le "adozioni", anche per procura, cosa inammissibile in un atto pubblico; anzi l'organizzazione, che si avvale di collaboratori locali, usa perfino prestanome italiani.
I cani, poi, lasciano l'Italia molto prima della data permessa dalle norme sanitarie del passaporto europeo. Tutto ciò in contravvenzione ad ogni legge europea sulla circolazione non-commercial use of companion animals. The last case is that of peas, small dog of 11 years "adopted" by a dummy and immediately passed to the exporters under the table, as they discovered the ENPA volunteers who lovingly give their service and expertise in the kennel.
The National Animal Control does not intend to let this disgraceful trade, which is already under investigation by prosecutors in Italy more and take root even in the Marche. At the national level, has even launched a petition "backwardation you for a ride" against the deportation abroad
animals entrusted to public housing, whose results are being presented to the Secretary for Health on. Martine through its Section Ancona, has contacted the local council of Senigallia calling it up to the duty of care and ensuring the animals that the law entrusts, demanding l2immediato Pivellina recovery of the dog and calling for the enactment of the regulation of u'ordinanza reliable, on ' common example of the many Italians who have already opened our eyes to the phenomenon.
course of public awareness of the Marche, the National Animal Control trust in local and regional institutions and the Ministry of Health, which reported the case,
for real and transparent protection of law and protection of animals to which he devoted himself 140 years. by Enpa
June 20, 2010
Animals: Enpa complaint 'trade' between Italy and Germany dogs
taken from kennel Senigallia 'adopted' and then sold
Ancona - Senigallia in a kennel would be ongoing for some time, by a German organization, levies of dogs and then shipped to Germany. This was revealed by the National Board of Animal Protection of Ancona,''that included adopted dogs from individuals, with
obligations and commitments under the Framework Law 281/1991 and related ministerial regulations. But this' self-styled adoption as' custody immediately after the dogs are brought over the border
by emissaries of the organization and treated as property 'of this, which places them in temporary stalls then place them at prices ranging from 250 to 300 € for each animal.'' (ANSA).
June 23, 2010
Legambiente: warning traffic of dogs Brands - Germany
"Associations A Circle Legambiente Sibilla Civitanova Civitanova Marche,
long been engaged in the field for the implementation of laws on animal protection and the fight against all that is exploitation of stray dogs, support and sustain the strict stance of Ancona ENPA dogs on withdrawals of the Municipality of Senigallia, through self-styled adoptions, and selling them in Germany. "Such a story leads to general attention a situation that the same groups have already reported two months ago. Our region is currently suffering the effects of an insufficient adaptation of local policies to the objectives set for years framework law on the prevention of stray dogs: microchippatura dog ownership, incentives to sterilization, implementation and proper management of public
host education to the property manager. To this was added, because of our geographical position in the Peninsula, the consequences of reckless transfers from the South and even from Spain, by an unfortunate pseudoanimalismo more or less spontaneous, unexpected amount of animals.
not everyone knows that, but often these animals end up recycled into our kennel, eventually causing the collapse. Such a situation can not but attract the attention of many foreign organizations to "junk dealers of stray dogs," which, with every possible way, take possession of dogs for resale abroad with secure income, having regard to the gratuity of the prepayment. These trades more or less underground are much higher, in terms of consistency, to the much publicized trade of puppies from the East. To this should therefore serve the investment of public money, professional and volunteer
made by the State and local governments: to prepare the goods for free activities for profit disguised as animal welfare? They should rather be used to build a heritage of civilization, to heal, with animal welfare, company that integrates them as companions of life itself? Local governments are often tempted by easy escape routes and clear, which are actually traps designed only to increase the problems. The rigorous application of the rules
prevention of stray dogs would create a virtuous circle that would ultimately reduce costs sooner than imagine. It will also earn that civilization which, despite what they say, distinguishes our country richer than others, which, for example, the killing of animals is the primary means of controlling the dog population. Or where the law allows you to give your pet, if seriously ill, in a research laboratory. We turn therefore appeal to our region because it helps municipalities to enter into this virtuous circle, encouraging campaigns microchippatura and sterilization of dogs and ensuring the practice is strictly responsible for adoptions in shelters that need to be spaces of reception and re-entry into society and Pet stores do not sell-off. Therefore important to limit the reliably within the region, examples of other local Italian so that I can assist adoptive parents after
foster care and to perform checks that are part of legislation to protect animals. First of all, however, we demand that the town of Senigallia is not an accomplice in an offense, but recovered immediately Pisellino old puppy, stolen by a dummy structure that housed to be sold in Germany, and expected time from one local family ready to adopt it.
by Legambiente Sibilla
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
See Yourself With A Different Hair Color
addition to making GhostBasterds with Video-Protonic filming for the video official Bolero, we loaded onto the YouTube channel Hazy Music new, definitive versions of 3 Live at the Cafe Frignano, shot during l'happening L'età d'oro del porno . Enjoy.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Engagement Congretulation
of trafficking
He calls this "one of the biggest wounds in the animal world." We are talking about trades
on the skin of thousands of defenseless creatures, especially strays, but also animals owned, were sold by private or stolen or removed from kennels and shelters.
The Hound of the traffic section 281 of Bairo site is constantly updated on the subject, just to make room for real-time, this frightening phenomenon of exports of strays from all the nations of southern Europe to the north. A drama unimaginable proportions. He calls this "one of the biggest wounds in the animal world." We are talking about trades
Creature that you lose track every day stolen from private gardens, from cars (dangerous habit of many irresponsible owners), removed from the animal shelter, roads, achieved through adoption of appeals that appear on the Internet, to be deported to places nightmare, often using the actual or presumed naivete of those who still believe that these living there can be a paradise on earth.
is often denounce the trafficking of puppies dal'est come to our country, but they forget who our beautiful Italy, across the border and ends when you lose all traces. But now something is being done for these animals who are victims of a humanity that prefers
always just an interest.
from the beginning, or at least, since he started talking about this phenomenon in an official
In 1993 was passed by the Honourable Maria Pia Garavaglia a circular denouncing
the bulk export of thousands of stray dogs from all over Italy to northern Europe. An alarm
bouncing for decades and who had never given the importance it deserved. From
then, occasionally, the newspapers began to appear timidly the first articles about the firm's truck loads of dogs to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium. The vans, when opened, showed hallucinatory scenarios for dogs of all ages, sick, puppies, adults, but still mostly mestizos, were packed inside them in a frightening way. Without food, water, locked in cages where they could not even move. Covered with vomit and excrement, scared, suffering, often sedated and piled up like kindling wood. They had traveled hundreds of miles and sometimes were not even half of the journey.
Back in 1996, a chilling discovery: 54 dogs seized Erasme Hospital
Read how survivors were found on the table while waiting to go to
laboratory. Among the countries involved of course, Italy.
The mestizos who cross national borders are so many ... a lot. A huge number if you add even the dogs that come from other countries of southern Europe
Meanwhile a lot of dogs disappeared into thin air ...
While the carriage of animals continue to increase
E il nostro Bel Paese è fra quelli che più ne esporta
Forse qualcuno ancora si domanderà come mai così tanti cani sempre negli stessi Paesi.
Una possibile risposta potete trovarla a questo link
Un drastico aumento negli ultimi anni degli esperimenti sugli animali......ciò sta a significare che "le cavie" non bastano mai e ci vuole sempre un ricambio immediato.
E' di questi giorni la notizia di un presunto traffico di cani che dall'Italia si dirama verso la Germania.
It also seems that there are some among animal welfare organizations involved
http://www.bairo. info/ladige110610b.html
The article talks about a hostel in a temporary stall in Trento where stray
were hosted for a few hours. The most ill and debilitated had been abolished, while the others continue their journey across the border
Federfauna complaint a business of 40 million €
http://www.bairo .info/federfauna100610.html
It also pointed the finger animal
Mr. Berlato seems to have no doubt who should defend the animal is under attack with heavy complaints
justice will take its course, to uncover truths that , if they have a following, will be really impressive ...
In the meantime, remember what is happening around us, especially on facebook and internet portals where hound relentlessly calls for adoption of dozens of dogs and relay requests for stalls, or messages help tear.
The information, however, is a good weapon that often opens people's minds and asked to reflect on what it all questo marasma comporta.
Leggete le testimonianze che trovate a questo link
Qualcuno finalmente ha deciso di aprire uno spiraglio fra le corse in autostrada e le tastiere....persone che hanno toccato con mano una realtà terribile dove non tutto è oro ciò che luccica, ma esistono punti d'ombra che rasentano una drammaticità angosciante
In particolare la testimonianza di Marzia prende vigore per la crudezza delle parole che
vengono riportate. Il mondo lucente delle staffette dunque, comincia a vacillare e dietro il paravento del buon samaritano si nasconde il dolore e la superficialità che porta a morte certa cerature inermi, completamente in balia di personaggi irresponsabili e inutili.
Anche la vicenda della piccola Stella lascia inorriditi
Per lei la sua buona stella le è stata accanto, ma per un solo cane che riesce a salvarsi altre decine
spariscono semplicemente nel nulla.
Questo dunque il vero mondo dei randagi: creature senza nome, trattati alla stregua di cose. oggetti con cui riempirsi la bocca di belle parole che però celano terribili realtà
Internet ormai rappresenta il "male oscuro" dei randagi e non solo: una maglia fitta e appiccicosa si è estesa su tutta l'Italia: i finti animalisti si confondono con le persone che hanno ancora il credo antico di salvaguardare gli esseri viventi non-human. It was better when it was worse ... at least for animals is certainly così.Forse once there was less sensitivity, but still had value compassion. A stray dog \u200b\u200bwas living a hard life and hard, but then died at his home, with a bowl of water near the door and forgot a piece of bread thrown by pious hands. Now all this has disappeared, giving way to sophisticated generous hearts "with the excuse of saving endangered animals, create a little strange and around
reassuring ...
should never lower your guard because the shame is everywhere: on defenseless beings is easier to break the hearts of the people who in good faith succumbs to the flattery of
doubt people are ready to promise the salvation of thousands of other creatures without ever being able to figure out how. For this reason, the only good faith is useless, indeed, often does so only because damage does not show the reality and does not help to understand the problem. And
to pay expenses at the end are just animals.
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taken from you for a ride backwardation
ENPA PRESS June 15, 2010
Deportation of animals abroad. ENPA DELIVERY 10 thousand signatures to the Secretary of MARTINI
There are about 10 thousand Italians who have signed the petition "backwardation you for a ride, sponsored by the ENPI against the phenomenon of fake and deportation overseas adoptions of dogs and Italian cats. The signatures were delivered this morning by the national president
ENP, Carla Rocchi, the Secretary for Health, Francesca Martini. I am very grateful to the Secretary of Martini, said Carla Rocchi - for the commitment that he wanted to take an end to all forms of mass deportation of pets. The initiative of the ENP, as well as having received a positive response from the institutions, had the merit of bringing to light this phenomenon, hitherto almost unknown to the general public
. Every year there are many vans, trucks and even airplanes departing from every region of Italy carrying Italian border pets - mainly directed at Germany, Switzerland and Austria, which, once they arrive at your destination, you lose track. Pets undocumented, therefore, borne by simple dummy then agree to send them abroad for the sole purpose of feeding a lucrative business. Often they are strays collected in the street or fake adoptions, free goods at the origin which becomes more valuable as soon as they land. Their price, euphemistically called expenses can be up to 350-400 €. This traffic is not just the orphans, but also animals owned, some stolen during the usual walk, while others are sold by their owners, which have become a burden.
puppies or adults, healthy or sick, it makes no difference. Many of them, unfortunately, will never a destination: exhausted from the trip, will die in a locked trunk or in the hold of a plane. To feed the lucrative trade in living beings, sometimes, could contribute to the municipal authorities themselves
, for which the deportations abroad sometimes be a real substitute policy of containment of stray dogs. (June 15)
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Brambilla Matrix: The world judges us by how we treat animals
BIG HUNTER June 16, 2010
Brambilla Matrix: The world judges us by how we treat animals. No more hunting Invited to Matrix, to discuss the problem of early summer, the Minister of Tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla, underlines its commitment towards the protection of animals. That theme, he explained, is fully within the powers of the Minister of Tourism, which must also deal
and especially the image of Italy in the world.
The world looks at us and judge us for how we treat animals, said the minister who spoke of cultural backwardness of our country because of a small minority who "just for fun it makes the creator of abuse, cruelty and killings loss of animals. "
The show, for example, turned a communication between the mailing list of animal welfare groups in recent days, starting from a foreign couple that after being on holiday in
an island south of Italy and have seen a pack of starving stray, said that he would not set foot in our country, calling for a boycott of Italian products.
There were direct references to the hunt. In a movie
initiative launched by the Minister for the affirmation of the concept of animal consciousness, he says "I do not believe that a minority of 750 000 hunters in the average age of 70, can claim to defend his case claiming arrogance with the freedom to kill defenseless animals
, when the vast majority of Italians feel offended by this gesture. I think it is possible and necessary to arrive at the abolition of hunting. "
Returning to study argued their opposition. "My positions have cost me all sorts of insults by hunters on their websites and in newspapers," continued Brambilla -, take this opportunity to clarify that I do and I operate a just distinction between the hunter who respects the rules and poaching, but not I believe that in our millennium is possible to accept an entertainment involving the killing of animals. "
to the Minister, then, poaching and hunting are closely related, because when you leave there is always room for those who go hunting outside the rules.
In support of its positions Brambilla said that "there is a beautiful
Ipsos poll showing that 90 percent of Italians considers hunting cruel, useless. "Finally a board for art lovers hunting," you can shoot or go pigeon hunting for beautiful photos of wild animals in their environment. "
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June 15, 2010 It 's a pointer of the wind the dog found abandoned along the ring road of Bologna. The saga of the pointer of the wind, seized the vet Guberti Giorgio di Ravenna Nirda by the end of 2008 and entrusted to the animals, never stops surprises. It is 'The Wind Ranger "in the dog found abandoned along the ring road of Bologna a few days ago and taken to kennels. And' George Guberti to give the same news: Saturday, June 13 at 13:20 called a local coordinator of FederFauna to warn him that he had recently received a call from an employee of a kennel
of Bologna which, checked and verified the microchip that the dog was duly registered in the regional registry, has reported the find to its rightful owner. To call the dog pound, Guberti, demonstrating once again the correctness and not cunning attributed by Animal Liberation in its press times carry IBAN for donations, said the dog, along with others, had been kidnapped by forest and had been given custody of the animals. After reflecting a bit 'but has also thought about calling FederFauna and that' race verify identity 'and conditions of the animal. The dog found in abandoned along the ring road of Bologna,
just like the best spot on stray dogs, both there and Ranger Of The Wind 'doubt. The microchip number appears to be in the list drawn up by the kidnapping Nirda and also its white-brown (white-liver in the minutes) and 'rarely is visible in pictures taken by the animal during the seizure. E 'then no doubt that the dog has passed through the hands of his "saviors" CFS and Animal Liberation. What was he doing then in Bologna ring road?
Abandonment of animals, makes this FederFauna and 'criminally liable, even if after the first custody of dogs impounded Guberti, il vicequestore aggiunto della forestale Anna Mazzini disse che in caso di smarrimento "...non ci sono conseguenze per l'affidatario, puo' succedere che un cane scappi...". In tal caso pero' dovrebbe esserci una denuncia di smarrimento, tanto piu'
trattandosi di un bene sotto sequestro, e il canile l'avrebbe saputo.
Sembra invece addirittura che il cane sia stato accalappiato e portato in canile proprio da agenti del CFS che evidentemente non conoscevano ne' l'animale ne' i colleghi che l'avevano sequestrato. Ora e' possibile che anche questo caso, come quelli di Parma o San Marino, sia
inghiottito dal silenzio piu' totale, e sono in aumento quelli che reputano sempre piu' probabile per l'allevatore ravennate una condanna che finally put the lid of a boiling pot that continues to sketch background totally different from what is shown and yelled from the animal rights propaganda. FederFauna argues that the pot should be uncovered. It would be more 'appropriate that an investigation on seizures in which animals seem to fall into a limbo of "de facto expropriation, with all that this entails.
On the non-profit animal welfare organizations who receive custody of animals seized as Animal Liberation, said that after the voice of its President Lilia Casali, who at the time of the seizure had no 'facilities will' funds, today after a year of pointer Del Vento ,
even seem to have become a landowner. On
poveri cani sequestrati e sparsi ovunque, anche in tangenziale di Bologna!
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Early summer
I bastardi non hanno più scuse Ogni anno nel nostro amatissimo Paese vengono abbandonati 135mila animali, nella maggior parte cani e gatti. Il che vuol dire che ci sono (almeno) 135mila farabutti che si liberano di loro nei modi più fantasiosi. E anche più abietti. Qualcuno facendoci anche rischiare la vita quando
sceglie di lasciare la bestiola in autostrada. Operazione, quella dell'abbandono, che di solito ha una giustificazione vergognosa («non sapevo proprio dove lasciarlo») e una concentrazione temporale limitata quasi sempre all'estate, with a peak between July and August. Omit
judgments of merit on which above 135 thousand to reserve a vacation planned to stay at least not in a prison, but in a shelter for those in which, if the animal is lucky, it ends
prisoner. And I just try to explain to those (few) in good faith that the justification "I did not know where to leave 'no longer applies today.
The Ministry of Tourism has created a website (
) where there are directions to find hotels, campgrounds, beaches and restaurants where pets are welcome and is preparing to send a guide on sale to help owners of dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles and ferrets going on holiday with choice of hotel or facility that can accommodate all the little family. Which is good, even great, news for those who like myself had to do some sacrifices over the years, not to exclude their beloved four-legged holiday. In my case, the beloved, called Camilla, was refused (as I am, of course) from beaches and restaurants, and entered, cleverly disguised in a bag, in the hotel, which hoisted the sign on the door mephitic "I can not enter here" that had not been mentioned at the time of booking. The result is to send myself into a rage, and to encourage the deception with the borsone, onde non passare la notte all'addiaccio.Ben venga dunque la guida anti furbetti e anche la presa di posizione della ministra Michela Vittoria Brambilla che di animali se ne intende (in casa ha una sorta di piccolo zoo con 15 cani e 27 gatti) e che sulla questione è sensibile e pure attenta alle
brutte figure che in passato abbiamo fatto con gli stranieri. Per questo si è inventata persino il premio "Accoglienza bestiale" da assegnare al miglior albergo per quattrozampe, per stimolare gli operatori del settore e cercare di contenere gli abbandoni. Il risultato, va detto, è eccezionale: al sito hanno aderito in cinquemila tra gestori di hotel e strutture varie i quali, a differenza di altri "colleghi" che piangono sulle prenotazioni scarsine, demands seem to have in spades. As if to say that the heart, when it goes hand in hand with the intellect, it can also beat the crisis, always remembering (the slogan of our campaign) that "if you leave it, the bastard you."
beppe.fossati @
TG COM June 15, 2010
Vacation: 4-legged little luxuries
hotels that pamper our pets
On the one hand there are criminals who abandon them, by 'there are other owners who pamper them with luxuries and vices worthy of a star, perhaps the virtue is indeed, as the saying goes, the mean, but in any case, to tell the truth, we remind dog owners cats and that there are some facilities in Italy and around the world, ready to accommodate the puppy as if it were a real VIP.
We report the most curious, the hotel served as a true happy hour on all fours, to the Spa that offers massages canine anti-jet lag for Fido and Cat. The proposals come from, anyone thinking about a pet and its difficulties in arranging holidays untangling between prohibitions and restrictions in respect of the puppy home. This is why some destinations for travelers, and even with a dog or a cat to follow, does not want to give up a real vacation in an exotic location. Hence the hotel where the happy hour is not the prerogative only of the "human": every Sunday to the four star The Grove Isle Hotel & Spa, in Miami in the U.S., the aperitif is dedicated to Fido, with
Martini glasses filled with delicious treats, hors d'oeuvres created especially with high-grade hamburger and a drink theme for the family. For humans, the choice is between a "big kiss sbavoso" or a "tracker code". Who here wants to take your pet will do well not to neglect her looks: please sunglasses and summer dresses.
The five star hotel Las Ventanas al Paraiso in Los Cabos, Mexico, offers dogs and cats, virtually all the services offered to employers, starting with a special massage to combat jet lag upon arrival at the hotel. Upon arrival in hotels, to the little hut provides a mini-laptop for not having to suffer the heat in the pool or beach and a choice of different menus, from "Tom's Favorites", inspired by the classic cartoon and made a selection of fish you choose, to "Rin Tin Tin",
with strips of grilled beef and boiled rice. Those who seek relaxation in the countryside, for themselves and their four-legged friend, there's nothing better than Ireland, with its endless fields that allow you to run free. The Castle Hotel and Leisure Centre (4 stars), Macroom, a small town in County Cork, welcomes young guests with a "doggie bag" that includes games, treats, prize and, not least, the bags to keep the environment clean, well
course in food and fresh water in the room. For dogs and owners there are beautiful walks along the banks of the river, starting from the castle of Macroom, but also the surroundings of the city, with its famous megalithic monuments, offer the possibility to spend wonderful days spent outdoors.
Without going so far away, behold, two destinations in Italy, one in the sea, the other green: in Riccione, Hotel Des Nations offers four-star fun Romagna and three "pet rooms" that can be fitted on request to meet the needs of your dog with a customized service. And with a real touch of refinement, the lady who runs the hotel, expert in flower essence therapy, will find the right essence to improve the psychological well-being of all those
puppies may suffer a bit of nostalgia for casa.L 'Hotel Parco San Marco in Porlock, in the province of Como, finally, is a four star surrounded by greenery and offers a special welcome to our puppies: Room not lack food, fresh water, a bed to measure and bowls, leashes and collars available on loan to the hotel. For the master, then, on a map outlining all the walks recommended.
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trade and vivisection
the Adige
June 10, 2010 Report a MEP PDL: abuse shelter in a stable Traffic stray Trentino accused
Attorney Exposed in: - Dogs sold abroad .-
Marica Vigano
An old barn in the countryside between Trento and Rovereto used periodically to confine stray dogs to Germany . There came a truck with the little animals and downloaded for a maximum stay of 24 hours. For some "mongrels"
collected mostly in the south of Italy, for the most vulnerable, the elderly or suffering from the long trip, the stable was the last leg of the journey to the north: between today and tomorrow will start the bulldozers to dig fields to see if there are animal carcasses in the ground, if someone - a nome che è già nelle mani degli inquirenti - abbia ucciso gli animali malati o "difficili" e, a scopo di lucro, e non per un semplice favore, abbia tenuto per qualche ora le bestiole destinate ai canili della Germania. Le accuse - pesantissime - nei confronti di un uomo di origine straniera e residente in Trentino sono contenute nell'esposto depositato alla procura di Rovereto e di Bologna dall'europarlamentare del Pdl Sergio Berlato, che si è avvalso della consulenza
dell'avvocato Massimiliano Bacillieri, dell'ononimo studio legale bolognese specializzato nel diritto degli animali. Una documentazione corposa è stata consegnata nei giorni scorsi ai carabinieri di Rovereto. Secondo quanto ricostruito dall'europarlamentare, in Italia
there would be an illegal and illicit trafficking of strays collected mainly in southern Italy and abroad for a traffic of dogs handled by animal welfare groups also suggest that, often
through websites, sponsorships. Everything would be from the complaint of a woman in the province of Milan for a year maintained a distance a dog that, in fact, was not in the kennel to which he sent the money but was in Germany. So a dog "ghost" that still benefit from the subsidies that the Italian towns of animals at shelters and even grants from the European Community and which would have been sold and taken abroad, according to documents obtained. - In Germany, taken from a mixed
a kennel has a price - said the lawyer Bacillieri - is bought at 50 € from Italy or Spain and sold .- Nell'esposto Lazio is the name of an association that takes care of foundlings
.- We found a contract signed by a German association of Lazio and the sale and transportation of dogs, says the lawyer. If the current version nell'esposto presented to the prosecuting authorities in Bologna and Rovereto proves correct, the Trent will have to respond to the animal, crimes related to breaches of animal welfare with the aggravating circumstance of the killing of dogs
L 'ADIGE June 11, 2010
The complaint: traffic dogs dissecting
Rovereto (TN) - For years, we talk about the case of dogs for vivisection and, above all, a busy trade in poor stray between Italy and the German world. The animals,
packed up trucks, are transferred to Germany and Austria, stopping, apparently, Vallagarina. To reopen the case of these alleged trip of death were the MEP of the PDL and Sergio Berlato Federfauna Massimiliano Bacillieri lawyer who filed two proxies vulnerable to Bologna and Rovereto.
According to them would be an act is illegal and unlawful for dogs to other countries also managed to animal welfare organizations that would do this business. "With threats and intimidation for those who try to expose activity that has a turnover of approximately € 40 million a year. " The blame would be binding "Lazio Kennels" which, not surprisingly, from time to organize trading for another absolutely legal, with Germany. The hook Lagarina, however, it must be a private barn north of Rovereto, in a few nights, would be transformed into makeshift hostel for dogs into Europe, in other words a sort of storage facility.
(Full article printed on the Adige) NG
Trafficking of puppies
1 - Rieti dogs kept in a kennel audience were the subject of "sponsorships" with people who paid for their livelihood. But in some cases people do not find them when they went to visit the kennel
2 - Lazio
According to the indictment, these dogs were collected and transported to medical research companies, for vivisection and research laboratories with traffic in the estimated value of more than 40 million
€ 3 - Rovereto
According to the charges the organization had a base north of Rovereto, in an old barn where the dogs to Germany were collected and sorted. The suspicion is that those in poor condition or died in transit were buried
4 - Germany
Here the dogs from animal shelters were sold to companies for medical research: a mongrel in good condition in this market, that is between 30 and 40 €. The complaint speaks of mafia infiltration in the trafficking of puppies.
FEDERFAUNA June 10, 2010
complaint dealt with stray kittens: business by 40 million ...
As every year, it is expected that this summer many dogs are abandoned by owners who want to go on vacation without "weights". But is not the only problem that can happen to
these "non-human living." Now comes the question of stray abroad, apparently involving even some so-called animal rights groups. It is the basis of the complaint to a complaint submitted to the prosecutor of Bologna and Trento by an MEP of the PDL, Sergio Berlato about a business da 40 milioni di euro l'anno. Tra le associazioni coinvolte, ci sarebbe anche un onlus molto vicina alla sottosegretaria alla salute, Francesca Martini. Il meccanismo ufficiale
sarebbe quello delle "adozioni a distanza" di cuccioli che invece, una volta fuori, spariscono o vengono indirizzati alla vivisezione o alla sperimentazione su viventi. In altri casi vanno semplicemente rivenduti, «poiché in Germania un meticcio preso da un canile ha un
prezzo». Ci sarebbe una testimone, una signora che avrebbe aderito all'adozione a distanza e che, non riuscendo a venirne a capo, si è recata in Germania per avere notizie del cucciolo per il quale pagava.
Risultato: è stata picchiata e hanno dato fuoco alla sua auto.
FEDERFAUNA June 10, 2010
Animals, Berlato: These are stray animals involved in ...
'Dogs adopted disappear abroad, threatened those who report "(Il Giornale Di Rieti) by the editorial board Thursday, 10 June 2010 Trafficking in illegal and illicit
stray dogs from Italy to other countries, also run by animal welfare organizations and on that do business with. With threats and intimidation, in some cases physical activity for those who try to expose 'which has a turnover "of about 40 million a year." Complaints are the basis of a complaint filed with prosecutors in Bologna and Trento by 'MEP of the PDL Sergio Berlato. A story in which would be just too important companies involved in animal protection. As explained Massimiliano Bacillieri, legal Bologna following the practice, the Association Kennels Lazio Onlus, "close to the Undersecretary of Health, Francesca Martini, who apparently did not notice what is happening."
The association, he said the lawyer, who spoke at a press conference where, in addition to drink it, there was a director of Federfauna, signed a protocol with the ASL Rieti, with
Tecnovett management company the shelter, two farms and a German, to "promote sponsorships." Except that, as with other "shelters in central and southern Italy, gli animali vengono spediti all'estero e, una volta fuori, i cuccioli spariscono o vengono indirizzati alla vivisezione o alla sperimentazione su viventi». In altri casi vanno semplicemente rivenduti, «poiché in Germania un meticcio preso da un canile ha un prezzo». Uno degli
effetti è che, quando un cittadino che aveva adottato un animale va a vederlo di persona, non ne trova traccia. Sorte che è capitata ad una signora che viene citata nell'esposto come testimone, e che, per l'avvocato, «solo per aver voluto sapere di più dell'animale per cui pagava è stata picchiata e le hanno bruciato l'auto». Ad un poliziotto, invece, «che si è imbattuto in un camion che trasportava i cani, dopo che ha tried to investigate, his son was kidnapped for a couple of hours
, 'Tips' silence'. Threats that the lawyer claimed to have received. It is trade, "disguised as charity," to quote Berlato. But they also question "
tax evasion and crime at the expense of municipalities which, by Bacillieri," give grants to shelters for animals that maybe they are already abroad for some time. " (ANSA)
FEDERFAUNA May 11, 2010
animal movements. Italy most good? If it's animal care !?!......
The press release entitled: "Trafficking in dogs abroad continued commitment of the Ministry
to protect animals from disease and in contrast to illicit movements of pet animals ", issued by the Ministry of Health on 9/06/10 FederFauna second is very interesting. It was released soon after news came of a exposed, deposited in several public prosecutors by MEP Sergio Berlato who complains about traffic in animals by "animal protection groups." The Ministry has stressed that: "In order to regulate international adoptions of dogs found in shelters Italians were organized technical meetings with all
animal protection associations and representatives of the Regions. "What? To find a solution to a problem of trafficking that involving animal welfare groups, animal rights organizations are right to be questioned? But the ministry emphasized that:
"has been called a Memorandum of Understanding which was formally proposed to the competent authorities of the countries where adoptions occur more frequently in order to provide additional
guarantees the traceability of animals. It provides In fact, the obligation to control by the veterinary services in the country of destination for dogs and their passports, and exchange of information between
official veterinary services. " It is at least permissible to have doubts about the feasibility of this project, since even the entire dog population is completely Italian censita dall'anagrafe canina. Visto che sembrerebbe non esserci nemmeno l'anagrafe canina in diversi dei Paesi destinatari. Visto che gli stessi dati sul fenomeno del randagismo, che proprio le associazioni animaliste ci propinano in mille occasioni, sono spesso tra loro contrastanti
(generalmente in calo se usati per far vedere quanto sono bravi e in crescita se c'è da chiedere dei soldi). Per quanto riguarda gli scambi di informazioni tra i servizi veterinari ufficiali, facendo
un parallelo tra il traffico di randagi, che fino ad oggi non sembra trovare una gran sensibilità da parte di molti media e nella propaganda delle maggiori associazioni animaliste, e il ben più pubblicizzato traffico di cuccioli dall'Est, i rappresentanti di FederFauna remember when they turned to the Hungarian authorities. When asked to help find solutions to the problem, as well as illegal introductions, even of the many loads of puppies partly to blame for all the certificates required by EU rules, however, seized and once in Italy, perhaps with the excuse of the supposed differences between the age stated by the first vet who had seen the dogs and that found by fellow Italian, the answer was that the Hungarians are European Union laws which in itself should be accepted and applied in the same way by all Member States . That they were trying to respect and enforce them in their country, but could do nothing once that the dogs had crossed the border. But Italy is perhaps best! ... We have animal rights activists who work with our Ministry! ...
Maybe tomorrow will come and tell us that if a dog is for sale in Germany and Austria on a site Pets and Animals was there the whole chain that has brought, it will be "ethical trade "!...
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third takeover in the kennel for a short time
June 12, 2010
third takeover in the kennel for a short time
Province of Macerata - Will the Association for the Improvement of Men with the Animal Welfare
Ancona (AMUBA) the new operator of the municipal dog pound to Montefiore. The animal rights association takes over after a few months of management that the Anti failed to reach agreement with the municipality on the type of convenzione.Tra others were also strong political controversy arose between the majority and opposition when the latter denounced the exclusion of coop the social contract, thereby penalizing the Koinonia who ran the kennel in the work by inserting the disadvantaged. The lack of agreement with the ANTA, most likely originated on the economic nature, has led the municipality will have to cancel the allocation of management and carry out a new contract. The AMUBA chartered
regional associations of the sector, has been awarded the management with a bid of less than 2.50 euro per day per dog and proposing actions on kennel.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
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Bolero: Video and Music Tour 2010
Il Tour di quest'anno inizierà come si era concluso, nello scorso febbraio, quello del 2009; il primo appuntamento è infatti con un mio show "solo" (le Naked Songs ) elettrificato, all'aperto a Quattro Castella (RE). Seguiranno nel mese di luglio altre date con band, i cui dettagli vi invitiamo a consultare alla pagina LIVE di o dal calendario collocato nella barra di Right this very blog ( Hazy Shows ). In summary, after Quattro Castella we will be at Brescia with direct FM for a live, web radio and web TV along with new partner de La Stalla Domestic . On 5 July we will be Friction Festival of Spilamberto (MO) and end of the month in Sicily for Daedalus Festival .
On days 19 and June 20 we turn with GhostBasterds il video ufficiale della title-track Bolero . E' con grande piacere che possiamo confermare che si girerà nel cuore di Bologna, immersi nei vicoli dove sono nate molte delle canzoni dell'album che contiamo di pubblicare a settembre. Location e cast sono bizzarri e imponenti; ci divertiremo e vi faremo divertire.
La foto di questo post è stata scattata da Patrizia Ferrarini durante le Naked Songs a Castelnovo Monti (RE), nel giugno 2009.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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Hazy + La Stalla Home
E' vero, non abbiamo né concediamo pace sotto queste nuvole di primavera. Questo Blog is pleased to announce that under a historic agreement between the King and the King of Voodoo Tarantola, since June 2010 Hazy Music label and the young camuna The Stable Domestic are partners in the scam, in joy and in defeat. As a first step, this partnership will focus primarily matters of the booking and promotion. Then we'll see, hoping that the Seven African Powers not leave any stragglers on the pavement. In any case, news will follow soon but for now we invite you to visit the pages of this brilliant bunch of rascals for example starting from MySpace .
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