Daedalus Festival, another show
After the success of our first show at DAEDALUS FESTIVAL , surprised to be playing another show tonight, 31.7, from about 22. We will be in Piazza Umberto I in the heart of Caltabellotta (AG) is housed in a song his friend Ezio Lottieri . Next, Zisa . Let's rock the island!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Antenna That Picks Up Basic Cable
Daedalus Festival +
It 's almost time to set sail for Sicily. Play at Dedalo Festival nella splendida Caltabellotta (AG) nella serata iniziale di giovedì 29 luglio , verso le 23.00. Resteremo poi in paese per tutta la durata del festival cioè sino al primo di agosto; dire che non vediamo l'ora di tornare in Sicilia, questa volta con la band al completo, è davvero poco. Tra l'altro questa edizione nasce sotto ottimi auspici perché sta davvero riscuotendo parecchio interesse, come è giusto ma non scontato. La qualità degli spettacoli, mostre, incontri e seminari è notevole quanto variegato è il programma. Grazie perciò dell'invito all'amico Ezio Noto , all'organizzazione tutta e all'intera cittadina... Daedalus and good luck to those who will be there!
who may not be present in Sicily at least for now, following the prologue direct from FM and web Tele Radio Sciacca , where I will be with many other guest Accursio Soldano during transmission Radio Trampa the morning of Thursday 29 from 10 to 12. Listen and listen to our "home" but let's appointment to the twelfth edition of the popular Freedom Day Zocca . We are in the lineup at 23:00 of on Friday, August 6 ' Acoustic Stage and it is possible, if not probable, that our brother Nicolò Gianelli join us for a short performance of poetry rock.
recommend, however, to follow throughout the evening which starts at 20.00 with our Bagend and continues with Joy Ride ( 21.00) and his friend Karel Zeddandoddo (to 22.00). From midnight , then, we will close the evening with a great jam collective, performing works of participants in the session ( Ravera - 78 - Bagend ) but also some classic surprise. We already know that it will be a fabulous party, we look forward to Zocca, at the Trepanier Ruzzola locations Monte San Giacomo, where there are two more stages, a area dj set, a restaurant and several food and beverage outlets, stalls sort and a large area for free camping.
It 's time, let's rock and roll.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Girdles For Women Movies
Hazy Music Freedom Day on stage Dave and web
Luglio si sta rivelando sicuramente un mese impegnativo per la Hazy Music . Abbiamo bruciato in cinque giorni le prime 3 tappe del Bolero Tour 2010 , chiudendo la serie con la spettacolare serata del Friction Festival durante la quale abbiamo ospitato il regista, scrittore e poeta Nicolò Gianelli e per la quale ringraziamo davvero tutta Spilamberto e le centinaia di presenti. Inoltre la nostra Patrizia Ferrarini ha rappresentato per la seconda volta in città Out of sight , show the Teatro dei Venti with Oksana Casolari. Now, with regard to live, we are beginning to focus seriously on the trip to Sicily to Daedalus Festival of Caltabellotta (from July 29 to August 1), while hoping to announce some of the dates fall.
But there's more: we landed on Rockit with two different profiles, one for Davide Ravera and one for Hazy Music . In addition to the traditional information and links to YouTube videos, there's quite a player from which you can listen and download for free the maxi-single with 3 tracks September moon and the entire album of 2008 Dr. Dave & Mr. Haze ( The 2001 Recordings), recorded live in part with the accordionist and percussionist Anna Palumbo . The platform Rockit I really like and do not exclude very soon to publish the legendary demo 1999 Frontline Serenaders, again with Anna Palumbo, remastered in 2008 by Andrea Fontanesi. Visit the profiles and download for free our history, and urges us tomorrow!
Let us rock.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Songs That Came Out In 2008
Ravera Friction Band Festival at The Stable
Here is the full program of twentieth edition of Friction Festival of Spilamberto (Mo) where we play at 21:30 exact Monday, July 5. N or we will be full electric band or in a of 5, nevertheless, also gave the character a little 'sound stage, we have prepared a show less violent and more meditative debut Matrioska . After us will play on ' Obici Stage friend Karel Zeddandoddo and Egle Sommacal . It will be a lovely evening and we hope to see you in a good number!
Vi raccomandiamo anche di visitare il Festival nella giornata di domenica 4 e di sostenere questa topica edizione di un'importante iniziativa (in caso di pioggia gli eventi si terranno al coperto - info: friction@alice.it e 338 6249463). Let's friction!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Waxing Without Breaking Out
Domestic and live anywhere
E' arrivata la notte de La Stalla Domestica . Seguiteci in diretta dal Magazzino 47 di Brescia , dalle 21 alle 24, nel corso del popolare Pop Club Estivo Jean Luc Stote of . We live on Radio Shockwave FM + websites and even videos on CTV telestreet .
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Watch Kutumb Episodes
Berlato trafficking in dogs. Animal split
the controversy. Exposed dell'europarlamentare
Berlato complaint is the dog
animal split
Turek, "discredits the associations' disputes Federfauna But budgets
And this is not new. But this time also takes the field Federfauna Confederation of the farmers, traders and keepers of animals, but claims that the MEP Vicenza PDL. The exposed bone of contention by Berlato against some kennels and animal welfare groups accused of trafficking in dogs.
Berlato indicates "the illegal trafficking of wild dogs to European countries operated by self-styled animal protection associations and operators of kennels. In particular, there is documentary evidence of a Memorandum of Understanding between Lazio Kennels Association, and the refuge of the Prick the controversy. Exposed dell'europarlamentare
Berlato complaint is the dog
animal split
Turek, "discredits the associations' disputes Federfauna But budgets
And this is not new. But this time also takes the field Federfauna Confederation of the farmers, traders and keepers of animals, but claims that the MEP Vicenza PDL. The exposed bone of contention by Berlato against some kennels and animal welfare groups accused of trafficking in dogs.
dell'Ulmo, The Guardian shadow, the international association in Not Hundepfoten and society Tecnovett shipping for all ' foreign dogs. " MEP suggests that these individuals would promote long-distance adoptions of dogs that were not actually in the structures
registrants. "Doubt - more - became a tragic and sordid reality with the discovery that, while being regularly paid allowances for adoption, its specimens were subject to illegal trade, sold to kennels or Swiss German, or operators of the circuit of industrial experimentation and vivisection. "
outcry, of course, by those concerned, but also of some animal welfare groups. In particular, Sara Turek, president of "Save the dogs and other animals" and MEP, commented that "Mr Berlato, Federfauna friend, the Italian lobby
largest circus, traders, importers of animals of all kinds, makes a complaint against some associations. The feeling is that there is a plan to discredit the voluntary zoophilic and that some animals (or assumed) to be used by those who should be i nostri primi nemici: i trafficanti di cani di razza, di animali esotici, i circensi e i cacciatori».
A Turetta e agli altri detrattori, come Lav Milano, replica Federfauna: «Sempre più persone - affermano - cominciano a chiedersi dove questi animalisti trovino i soldi per fare “lavoro di
lobbying”. Turetta è stata a Bruxelles, si è avvalsa di “società di pubbliche relazioni che fanno da apri pista alle associazioni” contattando i parlamentari dei vari paesi e fissando gli appuntamenti. Quanto costi questo tipo di attività sbandierata come “a favore degli
animali” non si sa, ma si sa che l'associazione presieduta dalla Turetta si occupa principalmente di cani randagi in Romania, which was founded in 2005 with a fund of one thousand euro and that from its 2009 budget appear to revenue over € 770mila and operating costs over 732mila, almost 480mila of "donations to the branch in Romania."
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