Saturday, November 27, 2010

Zeldox How Long Does It Take To Work

Tuesday, November 30 to 18 in Lesa City Council to vote to withdraw the assent of the Central Valley hernia

La questione della Centrale idroelettrica della Valle dell’Erno torna nel Consiglio Comunale Lesa convened for November 30 to 18 hours (a time repeatedly criticized by the Board of Lesa in the Heart because it encourages participation). The request for suspension and revocation of concessions granted is the fourth point of a Town Council that the agenda even further adjustment of the budget, an amendment to the three-year plan of Public Works regarding the investments planned for the port area Lesa Solcio and an interpellation in the Heart of the state of the war memorial and the memorial to the martyrs of the groove. Even in light of recent discussions is of particular interest right the vote on the Central hernia.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tech Deck Spare Parts

Lesa ... the City Council revoke the approval of the Central Valley hernia!

The question Hydroelectric power plant of the Valley of the hernia will return to Council. This time will not be in the form of interpellation, but it will be a real agenda item submitted to the vote of the members. "There is a time for words and another for acceptance of responsibility. - Said Gianni Lucini, leader of the Heart Lesa - Lesa City Council can not remain a spectator or be a place for debate in the abstract. We talked about the Central Valley of the hernia, the risk involved, the strength of the work and also the name of the owner of the concession. I think that every Councillor had the opportunity to form their own idea of question that everyone is beginning to take responsibility for the choices made by the Administration. Today we have submitted a proposed resolution calling for the withdrawal of consent Recommend to the project and works for the Central Valley hernia. Each director, whether majority and opposition, will assume the position as it deems appropriate, but one thing can not say in the future: I knew nothing. A vote is always an assumption of responsibility ... "
This is the text of the draft resolution submitted today:
" We the undersigned Councillors of the Municipal Group in the heart Lesa "Gianni Lucini, Conterio Mario, Diana and Celestina Tiziana Tozzi, pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 4, of the current Municipal Regulations for convening the meetings and the operation of the City Council calling for the inclusion in the agenda of a resolution in which it has Recommend the following:

City Council Lesa ,

circumstances - that the debate there has also recently on the construction of a plant for the production of electricity in the Valley of the hernia and the company Gator holder of concessions and the project has highlighted growing concerns and widespread opposition to the project;
- than ever this issue has been the subject of deliberation by the City Council Lesa;
- the withdrawal of any determination of the City of Lesa consent to the project;
- the mayor and council to implement any useful action to stop the project of Central to the production of electricity in the Valley of the hernia by the company Gator "

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winnipeg, Looking For Used Engagement Ring

Bolero, death and life

Hallowdave the Night Black Lama Mocogno, Mo (31.10.10)
Pictures Great with editing by Dave Sotero

The Bolero was a big cargo, probably with Panamanian or Liberian flag, which spotted the Cold Harbor The Hague in the autumn of 1998 . It was my first visit to the Dutch capital, which had achieved with a trip of about 24 hours on a continental coach to play before an audience of four people, none of which paid off. It was the classic situation where we start to go above, around, conoscere e conoscersi. Nei mesi precedenti avevo fatto scelte decisive per la mia vita e avevo da poco rimesso le mani su una chitarra, gettandomi nella scrittura di molte canzoni in inglese - e qualcuna in italiano. Il Bolero aveva un aspetto nero e pesante, almeno lì all'ancora nelle acque già gelide per la stagione e sferzate dalla tramontana. Probabilmente, mi dicevo, ha un aspetto diverso quando fila in alto mare nel sole dei Caraibi. A suo modo era inquietante come un ricordo sgradito o una memoria del futuro; lui mi guardava e io lo osservavo per ore, mangiando gamberetti fritti conditi con maionese nei chioschetti al riparo dal vento. Il suo ventre era un'enorme massa scura che mi ricordò lo scafo dei navigli che portavano merci su e giù for the Casamance, at the time of my visit to West Africa, nine years before.

In the nights at the home of Joanna, and the whole family slept in the quiet of small capital, sometimes going down to smoke in the lounge overlooking the small garden in back. There was a good sound there, and quite large in the shaft clear of furniture. It was there that I wrote in one of those nights September Moon, a song and then abandoned completely in its original version, but that became September moon. It began as a slow litany on a classical guitar very old and infirm, who wore funny black nylon strings that I had tuned in D open. The song was sad but I felt good, welcomed by a strong creative streak that I was assaulted by a few months and would continue as a stream euphoric and painful for a couple of good years. At that time, I was able to stay whole days on the same track or even on the same passage of fingerpicking, until I was not able to play in an absolutely clean and the speed you want - and then faster and faster until the climax, for then finally go to a new composition.

few months later, the winter of '98 and '99, the illness of my mother, the teacher, took a decisive turn ugly. I devoted myself to several mesi esclusivamente a lei, pur continuando a scrivere canzoni e tornando fugacemente a mettere piede su qualche palco in compagnia di Anna Palumbo, detta "il Maestro". In quei mesi l'immagine del Bolero ancorato all'Aia mi seguì e si fece viva più volte, generando poco più che qualche appunto mentale; fu solo nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 settembre , nelle ultime ore dell'agonia di colei che mi aveva generato, che iniziai a scrivere su un foglio verde i versi del "mio" Bolero . Scrivere quella canzone fu per me una necessità assoluta, una questione di vita o di morte interiore. Non mi risparmiai e ne affrontai la composizione come se da essa potesse dipendere la comprensione, o l'esorcismo, delle angosce that has always gripped me more. He came out a good piece that began immediately to play live and liked a lot, as were songs that pushed me more toward the Italian, making translate into my native language songs that were born in English, as The Last Of Blues Hell Street ( Via Hell , written on a regional train at night) or Another Piece Of Heaven ( Storm, written after the meeting to cast away by a mysterious person and unknown, at other times inspired me a lot of good songs).

then many things have happened. In 2000 and 2001 I recorded several songs, especially in English, then returned to the Netherlands to the live broadcast that is partially finished album Dr.Dave & Mr.Haze , published in 2008. There were even years without music and madness, which - in its less deleterious aspects - has given rise to songs like The golden age of porn I hope to take new life in a forthcoming project. In 2006 I happened to pass back to the Netherlands, where what was to be rapid transit airport turned into an unwelcome holiday deals dall'infallibile judicial system of Queen Beatrix. It was then that I began to write songs and I realized that in a life so short and unpredictable as ours, the worst thing to do is to postpone the appointments with their emotions and creativity. Back in Italy, I triggered the process that has led us to present record Bolero, which has the name of that ship, which opens with the song started on September 7 eleven years ago.

The process was very long and required, so obviously not continuous, 32 months plus one for the publication itself. It 'been so long and hard that they could scarcely find the energy to tell at this ridiculous time of night for me is now systematically merged with the day. The album ended up collecting a lot of songs already known and played live, but also songs that even I was expecting to be included in a recording project, which Casimir's shop (it was the favorite of my mother and has just undergone major transformations while recording) or the brainy Lindsay , mix and stolen my dreams and visions to others, then soaked wet and bloody mood of the porticoes of Bologna. Only one of these songs was written recently in the fall of 2007, and the engineers of tomorrow and is a song from the bizarre structure and somewhat surprising, then followed by other new songs who, now free, thankfully continue to flow.

realized this was a kind of enterprise that required an extraordinary use of time, finance, energy. It 'been a little' how to cross the Sahara in bare feet without ever having been the first in Africa, walking 18 hours a day and then stopping to rest for a few weeks, in the vicinity of few pools of water. The Bolero was born and raised, thanks to the love and care for new companions, exclusively for my need to weld some of those old accounts. Without this motivation, the most urgent of any assessment market, we could not have done. When we started, I had very vague knowledge of how to make a hard and all you need to do, during and after, so that their work reaches an audience of a certain size. With patience and the help of many, and I've learned gradually, without ever questioning the creative matrix that has remained pure, untouched in its reproduce the work that had just been lying in my chest for eleven years, putting in the background all that was contingent on our way. Also for this reason it has taken so well for this I would not have done it without everyone's help and all those who have understood the essential need to create a work taking into particular account of itself and of the situations that had generated.

registering Bolero Blues Sex Studio (Spring 2008)
Photo of John Cantoni

not have been possible without Patrizia Ferrarini, who has played or sung in 9 of the 13 songs on the album, giving an ocean color that has always been concealed in these songs, closed liriche senza trovare, sino al mio incontro con lei, il ragionevole output sonoro che le sue percussioni hanno invece reso tangibile ai sensi. Non sarebbe stato possibile senza la solida esperienza di Antonio Righetti e Danny Montgomery , la voce e i consigli di Alessandra Ferrari , l'istintiva genialità dei Bagend , la raffinata precisione di Matteo Toni , l'armoniosa umanità di Marino Brusiani , la pazienza e le conoscenze di Andrea " Fonta " Fontanesi , Davide Cristiani , Stefano Cappelli e Alizarine . Né sarebbe stato possibile senza il sostegno Human my niece Elena , which this work is dedicated as is the memory of my mother, the teacher, whose body has left us just as the Bolero was born in like a song. In this way I would like to make a small tribute to those threads that bind the generations together, in positive efforts to be themselves and themselves in an attempt to understand the human phenomena and to deal firmly with the drifts and a constancy of mind you probably have never owned, or maybe I just started practicing during this long journey through myself who took the name of Bolero . For this reason, rather than for their excellent support while technical and artistic, deeply thank all the people I mentioned, in addition to all and all those who have helped along the road.

In the face of hard times and the future uncertain, I can say that it has completed a significant portion of the small work that everyone call their own existence - and thus inevitably contributes to hatch that great work which is the collective existence. The Bolero I know I have accomplished an important task within and perhaps rebalanced to have some karmic imbalance, breaking some of those plots of negativity, feeling unseen, often destroying più di una vita. Quotidianamente assaporo i frutti di quest'impegno, circondato dalla stima e dall'amore di un gran numero di nuovi compagni e compagne di viaggio; fosse anche solo per questo, sono profondamente felice di aver intrapreso una strada sia pur così dolorosa e difficile, come lo è affidare il proprio oggi e il proprio domani alla musica e alle parole. Verrà un giorno non lontano in cui i venti e le maree rimescoleranno le nostre ceneri, spazzando via come un siluro tutto ciò che non serve al proseguimento della vita. In questi termini, queste 13 canzoni hanno l'ambizione di restare ed è con questo scopo che oggi ve le offriamo.

but if I could tell as I am
if there were an easy way to say goodbye
burn hurts
but not burn it hurts a lot more

Apples and Newton, "The Flight"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kneeboard With 3 Wheels

Monday, November 15 at Blue Radio is back to talk about the Valley of the hernia

Monday, November 15 at the 21 station Radio Blue a second evening devoted to the theme of the Central Valley hernia. Anyone wishing to listen can do so by tuning to FM 102 200 or by clicking here:

Is It Safe To Shower With Sterling Silver


Monday, November 8, 2010

Make Love To A Mature Ladie

Doghouse The Doghouse Statto IMPROPERLY ADMINISTERED IN?


For months, perhaps even more than a year, Gianpaolo Vietri, city councilor Opposition (PDL), studied the stray problem, with particular reference to administrative matters, and having produced a wealth of documentation, performs during a press conference, data, bills, acts, from which emerge a series of questions. Asked the same Vietri, having had a number of explanations from the Director of field, Dr. Anna Maria Franchitti, in the hearings of the Committee guarantees, addressed directly with a question for written answer, the mayor Stephen. The main objective of Vietri is to know the state of affairs in particular reference to the management of shelter located near the territory of Leucapside Statte, currently entrusted by the 'National Association of Protection of Animals. Two of the most important questions: 1) what administrative and contractual arrangements-is used for the conventional expectations of the management after his release from seizure, 2) what checks were made on the actual number of dogs housed and are regularly recognized in the process of payment the Municipality of Taranto.

"First," Vietri said in a lengthy and detailed memory handed out to journalists should be noted that the structure is in place Leucaspide without authorization, as lacking the minimum sanitary facilities provided for the shelter, and that all ' Here there are asbestos-cement panels ... not encapsulated, not by chance that the property was in the past NIRDA impounded by the Forest Service and was assigned to the management, the judicial authorities, in case the wing. "The first point included in the request to the mayor then refers to the absence of administrative acts; Vietri Stefàno asks:" If there is an adequate measure of administrative value to regulate the relationship of the municipal administration with the DOOR from the date of release from seizure of the doghouse now ... or whether the 'Directors considered a simple letter of' Councillor Contino sufficient to justify the payment of the amounts claimed DOOR association over the past two years "We then move on aspect number of dogs housed; Regional Law no. 12/1995, confirmed by another regulatory measure no. 26/2006, states that the shelter structures must accommodate a maximum of 200 units. Vietri noted that the ASL in November of 2008 has recorded no. 225 dogs housed in kennels Statte Taranto. In December 2009, the town of Taranto recognized the right of payment of maintenance for a total of 367 dogs, 167 more then the legal limit. The second question to the mayor then is: "how come the number of dogs in charge of the town of Taranto is significantly larger than those reported by ASL-TA1 in November 2008 in the presence of a ban on introducing more animals within the structure? "Questions not to be underestimated so that concern aspects of administrative legitimacy. The document finally show some discrepancies with regard to the expenditure for the kennels. For the managed structure, it is not known at this point to that title, from 'DOOR, the municipality recognizes € 2.23 per day dog \u200b\u200bmaintenance costs structure. The shelter is given a suite instead of a straight day to 1.77 euro per dog which includes the depreciation for the construction of the shelter and all operating costs and maintenance. Vietri The question at this point is what adds value resulting from reliance management structure to a non-profit organization. It is now the mayor to answer.

Veho Film Scanner Driver

's angels against hell-salvacavalli slaughterhouses


November 4, 2010 Here are the angels of hell against salvacavalli
slaughterhouses are called Horse and Angel are fighting to prevent the animals, once the players at the racetrack, will now be slaughtered

Oscar Grazioli

I've written several times (but repetita
iuvant) that when you are not vegetarian, make distinctions in
eat the flesh of this or that species becomes a problem ethically
very complex and delicate. One of my nieces,
of 11 years, which decided, in complete independence of the land
vegetarianism has left a dozen diners
shocked and without words, when faced with two slices of white meat, said to
aloud and without any fear: "Does the turkey has less
rights of other animals? You can have a little 'cheese, for
please? ".
Moreover, while acknowledging the ethical reasons of early
girl, when I think of the extraordinary importance that avuto il
cavallo nella storia dell'uomo, non posso esimermi dal tributargli un
altrettanto straordinario rispetto. Il cavallo ha permesso all'uomo di
spostarsi, di muoversi, di fuggire e di trovarsi, ha concesso ai popoli
di coprire distanze infinite. Senza il cavallo l'uomo non sarebbe
l'uomo. Nessuno può sindacare se chi sente nel profondo, questo debito
di riconoscenza evita di mangiare carne di cavallo e così pure di asino
e mulo, altri animali che vantano enormi crediti verso l'umana specie.
Per decine d'anni medici ignoranti hanno consigliato il pesto di
cavallo crudo «che fa buon sangue» e la gente si ammalava di
trichinellosi e salmonellosi.
Il problema
of horse meat is complicated by the fact that the horses used regularly in the sport
end up on the tables, often after taking doping agents
of any kind, including Viagra, as verified
some time ago in the hippodrome of semi-clandestine Naples, where 80 horses have tested positive
the blue pill. If someone were to think that
street racing, doping and slaughterhouses in the garage are a phenomenon that concerns
few criminals, think again. Yes, of course, Viagra
fill a horse, like a lemon and squeeze it when
lungs and heart do not make more, send it into a dirty "low"
to end his life hanging on the hook, is the stuff of criminals.
But there is another type of crime that it is hard to define this only because the law does not prohibit
. How is it possible to train a horse, keep up
close the night before the race, hug him when he wins, then take him
slaughter only because it is a little torn tendon

that will not allow him to place themselves more? How dare you
look in the eye and extends the last pat before
pushing the gun while he paws and back off because he feels
the stench of death? With the value of being cowards.
directed toward the athletic activities would be entitled, Once finished
career, an honorable and possibly not the eternal rest. For
this principle essentially go down in the Horse Angels,
the Association for the Protection of Horses and many other animal welfare organizations which have held
for November 14 in Rome, the paraded
a parade, the former riding of Villa Borghese, Piazza di Siena
to say no to the slaughter of horses. It
estimated that in Italy, 100,000 horses a year end up in the circuit
slaughter, more or less legal. The parade will end with the
delivery of thousands of signatures collected in favor of the proposal by Mr
. Ash (PDL) against the slaughter horses and the horse
recognition as pets.
hope will be a long, peaceful procession and heard.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Panty Hose Jeff Hardy

on 8 November in Blue Radio we talk about the Central Valley hernia

Monday, November 8 at 21 hours issuer Blue Radio will devote an evening to the theme of the Central Valley hernia. Anyone wishing to listen can do so by tuning to FM 102 200 or by clicking here: